All ARAS publications can be viewed and printed below.
They can also be ordered directly by completing the online order form or submitting the order form and returning it to ARAS by email to or by mail to 175 Fullarton Rd Dulwich SA 5065 or faxing to (08) 8232 1794.
ARAS Overview
The ARAS overview brochure is available in 17 languages and details what we do and how we can help. Please visit our information in your language page to view and/or download.
Community Care - your rights and responsibilities
A practical guide to rights and responsibilities for users of aged care services at home.
- Contains examples of questions you can ask to ensure that you are involved in the decisions that are made about your care.
- Provides information about how an advocate can support you to uphold your rights.
An important aspect of the assistance provided by ARAS is advising and preparing people to self-advocate i.e. to speak on their own behalf in order to gain information, access services, change their services to better meet their needs and to generally stay in control of and self-manage their support. This Fact Sheet is a practical guide for self-advocacy.
Understanding the Stolen Generations through their stories
ARAS received funding from the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, to design, develop and stage an Elder Abuse Prevention and Positive Ageing Summit in Adelaide involving Stolen Generations Elders of South Australia, and their descendants, on the subject of elder abuse awareness-raising, prevention strategies and positive ageing.
After the Summit, two Aboriginal Elders provided consent to share their personal stories specifically for this resource, with the vision that people would be better informed and communication improved when delivering care. To respect their privacy, their stories have been de-identified.
These stories are a powerful tool to assist people working or volunteering in the Aboriginal aged care and community sector to understand the Aboriginal Stolen Generations.
Annual Report
ARAS 2022-2023 Annual Report
ARAS 2020-2021 Annual Report / ARAS 2020-21 Annual Report - (as a flipbook)
ARAS 2019-2020 Annual Report / ARAS 2019-2020 Annual Report (as a flipbook)
ARAS 2018-2019 Fast Statistics
Aboriginal Advocacy
The Aboriginal Advocacy assists older Aboriginal people who are:
- Users or potential users of community-based aged care services.
- Residents of a residential aged care facility.
- At the risk of, or who are experiencing, abuse by family and/or friends.
Charter of Aged Care Rights
The Charter of Aged Care Rights provides the same rights to all consumers, regardless of the type of Australian Government funded care and services they receive.
Read Charter here
Charter of Aged Care Rights Booklet
Charter of Aged Care Rights Poster
Charter of Aged Care Rights Template for Signing
Charter of Aged Care Rights Template_other languages
Aged Care Quality Standards
Organisations providing Commonwealth subsidised aged care services are required to comply with the Aged Care Quality Standards. The Quality Standards are made up of eight individual Standards:
- consumer dignity and choice
- ongoing assessment and planning with consumers
- personal care and clinical care
- services and supports for daily living
- organisation’s service environment
- feedback and complaints
- human resources
- organisational governance.
Aged Care Quality Standards Consumer Outcomes A2 poster
Translated Aged Care Quality Standards Consumer Outcomes A3 poster
Residential Care
Your Care Plan (Residential and Community Care)
Fact sheet: What happens when your aged care home closes?
Financial Advocacy Services flyer
Home and Community
Your Care Plan (Residential and Community Care)
Community Care - your rights and responsibilities
Financial Advocacy Services flyer
A practical guide to rights and responsibilities for users of aged care services at home.
- Contains examples of questions you can ask to ensure that you are involved in the decisions that are made about your care.
- Provides information about how an advocate can support you to uphold your rights.
Abuse Prevention
NEW Sexual Assault - its not your fault
Pocket Guide: What is Abuse of Older People? (English)
Pocket Guide: What is Abuse of Older People? (Greek)
Pocket Guide: What is Abuse of Older People? (Italian)
Fact Sheet 1 - Abuse Prevention Program
Fact Sheet 2 - Risk Factors and the Effect of Abuse on the Older Person
Fact Sheet 3 - How Service Providers Can Assist Older People
Top 10 Safeguards - Psychological
Accessing the Aged Rights Advocacy Service to Prevent Elder Abuse
This publication is the result of consultation with members of two Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities (CALD) who traditionally face unique barriers when attempting to engage with service providers. Their valuable feedback will be used by ARAS to shape future planning for CALD communities. (Nov2013)
Safeguards for Ageing Well
ARAS Safeguards for Ageing Well Program delivers information to raise awareness and provides strategies for living a positive life and ageing well. The program is supported by Office for Ageing Well, SA Health.
Program Brochure - Safeguards for Ageing Well
Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (APEA) Resources
The Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (APEA) members are key stakeholders in relation to responding to the abuse and exploitation of older people. These organisations are often referred to as ‘agencies of last resort’ in helping to prevent or minimise the risk of abuse. APEA comprises of Legal Services Commission of South Australia, Office of the Public Advocate, South Australia Police (SAPOL) Home Assist Program, Public Trustee and Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS).
- Safeguard your Finances (PDF file)
- Safeguard your Finances (Chinese)
- Safeguard your Finances (Greek)
- Safeguard your Finances (Italian)
- Safeguard your Finances (Polish)
- Safeguard your Finances (Vietnamese)
- Appointing an Enduring Power of Attorney (PDF file)
- Appointing an Enduring Power of Attorney (Chinese)
- Appointing an Enduring Power of Attorney (Greek)
- Appointing an Enduring Power of Attorney (Italian)
- Appointing an Enduring Power of Attorney (Polish)
- Appointing an Enduring Power of Attorney (Vietnamese)
- The duties and responsibilities of your Enduring Power of Attorney (PDF file)
- The duties and responsibilities of your Enduring Power of Attorney (Chinese)
- The duties and responsibilities of your Enduring Power of Attorney (Greek)
- The duties and responsibilities of your Enduring Power of Attorney (Italian)
- The duties and responsibilities of your Enduring Power of Attorney (Polish)
- The duties and responsibilities of your Enduring Power of Attorney (Vietnamese)
- Appointing a Substitute Decision Maker (PDF file)
- Duties and Responsibilities of Substitute Decision Maker(PDF file)
- Witnessing Documents (PDF file)
- Recipes for Living Well (PDF file) NEW
Aged Care Navigator (care finder service)
Aged Care Navigator (care finder service)
Retirement Village Advocacy
Retirement Village Advocacy Program
Retirement Villages Booklet - Information for residents and prospective residents (resource developed by Office for Ageing Well, Retirement Villages Unit)
Best practice for retirement village residents’ committees (resource developed by Office for Ageing Well, Retirement Villages Unit)
Medication. It’s your choice
How much do you know about your medication? Did you know that what medications you take is your choice and that you have control over what you take? This booklet equips you with the ability to have an informed and active role in your decisions about what medications you take. The booklet has been produced by OPAN in partnership with the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.
Aged Rights Advocacy Service Inc.
175 Fullarton Road
Dulwich SA 5065 -
Mailing Address:
175 Fullarton Road
Dulwich SA 5065 - Free Call: 1800 700 600 (freecall in AU)
- Phone: (08) 8232 5377
- Fax: (08) 8232 1794
- Email Address:
Acknowledgement of Country
Aged Rights Advocacy Service acknowledges the traditional owners of our country and pays respect to Elders past and present. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with their country.
Please be aware that this site may contain the names and/or images of deceased Aboriginal people. ARAS acknowledges that to some Aboriginal communities, it is distressing to show images and mention names of people who have died.
© 2017 - 2024 Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS)