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1800 700 600
Aged Care Advocacy Line (toll free)

When you contact an ARAS Community Care advocate we will listen to you and ask questions to clarify the specific issues of concern about your aged care service.

You will be provided with information about your rights, and we will discuss with you some strategies to resolve the problem. This will include discussion of the possible consequences of any action.

You may then choose to take action yourself to resolve the problem, or you may prefer your nominated representative or an ARAS advocate to speak to your service provider on your behalf.

The advocate will only proceed if you give permission. The advocate will consult with you throughout the process to ensure that your wishes are upheld.

ARAS advocates are also able to provide general information about aged care services, and information about other appropriate services.

Please refer to the ARAS pamphlet for more information to view the ARAS privacy information and complaints process.