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‘Train the Trainer’ – Prevent Abuse of Older People through Education | Thursday, 17 October 2024, 9.30am via Teams

The purpose of the ‘Train the Trainer’ workshop is to provide agencies with knowledge and resources to enable front line staff to recognise the abuse of older people and act appropriately when abuse is identified. The designated staff trainer will be given an Abuse Prevention resource containing all materials necessary for the trainer to present a session(s) to their front line staff and volunteers.

Key subjects covered: 

  • Definition of abuse
  • Prevalence rates
  • Types of abuse and indicators
  • Barriers to reporting abuse of older people
  • Resources and services available to assist
  • Legislation, Power of Attorney and other legal issues
  • Organisational response, policies
  • Confidentiality and privacy
  • Interactive learning tools, principles of adult learning
  • Case studies and showing of a video.

Who should attend?

  • Residential care managers
  • Lifestyle Coordinators
  • Wellbeing Managers
  • Nursing staff
  • Community care workers/managers
  • Students
  • Social Workers
  • Health professionals

A Certificate of Attendance is provided.

Refer to your profession for CPD rules and requirements.

Duration: 3 hours | Cost: $250 (ex. GST) per person


You can register and pay online (TBC)

Have you also registered for the "Responding to Elder Abuse" workshop happening on the same day?

To request a Train the Trainer session at your site, complete our online booking form

Download workshop information booklet