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Safeguards for Ageing Well Program

Safeguards for ageing well front page

ARAS recognises the importance of all older South Australians ageing well with dignity and respect, and exercising their rights to make informed decisions, whilst maintaining community connections and social engagement.

The program delivers information to raise awareness and provides strategies for living a positive life and ageing well.

Education sessions

ARAS staff can deliver sessions to older people and the aged care workforce.

To book an education session, please complete online form

Click here to download the program brochure.

ARAS staff can deliver information and raise awareness on: 

  • consumer rights
  • safeguarding older people’s rights
  • living a positive life and ageing well
  • prevention of elder abuse and what can keep older people safe

We would like to hear from you!

If you've attended any of our information sessions, please provide your feedback by completing this short survey-

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Ways you can safeguard your rights

Stay in control

Planning ahead

ARAS Advocates assist with providing:

  • Information and resources on ageing well
  • Strategies to help you protect yourself.
  • Advance Care Directives
  • Supported Decision Making
  • Enduring Power of Attorney and Guardianship
  • Wills and Estate planning.

Safeguards for ageing well system

The program also proposes prevention strategies for safeguarding older people from abuse, delivered through education and links to other key services and agencies. 

The program incorporates SAHMRI’s key findings and recommendations for older Aboriginal people, based on cultural principles and values for keeping older Aboriginal people safe.

The program is supported by Office for Ageing Well, SA Health.